We were there for you during COVID-19, and now we need your support. image

We were there for you during COVID-19, and now we need your support.

Help us continue to provide vital and lifesaving healthcare.


West Virginia Health Right is the state’s largest free and charitable clinic.

We were founded in 1982 by a group of local physicians who recognized the need for ongoing health care among the most vulnerable members of our community. WV Health Right remains committed to the belief that every person, no matter their insurance or financial status, is entitled to quality care. Today, WV Health Right provides care to more than 43,000 medically underserved, uninsured, and underinsured adults with free comprehensive care, and we are proud to serve patients from 34 counties across West Virginia.

We administered 81,491 COVID-19 tests and 18,341 COVID-19 vaccines over the course of the pandemic. In addition to providing critical services to our entire community throughout the pandemic, WV Health Right has opened several new clinic locations in high-need areas—including our CommUNITY Wellness Center—and made major strides in the expansion of our East End Clinic since 2020.

We hope our mission is one you will consider funding.

Most of our patients are working individuals without the ability to pay for health care co-pays, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs, etc. We provide life enhancing and lifesaving services, including comprehensive medical, dental, mobile dental, street medicine, vision, pharmacy, and health education, which includes tobacco cessation, cooking and nutrition classes, weight management, exercise, and diabetes and cardiovascular risk management. Our services also include integrated behavioral health, substance use disorder services and connection to a variety of social services to address a myriad of issues, including food insecurities, shelter assistance, and utility bill assistance.

In 2021, we added a new clinic on the city of Charleston’s West Side. In addition to the creation of the new West Side Medical Clinic, we also added a CommUNITY Wellness Center which serves as a hub for a multitude of services; including access to a domestic violence advocate, Medicaid enrollment, a computer lab, a gym, a teaching kitchen with eight cooking stations, a classroom, a professional closet which provides clothing for individuals interviewing for jobs, offices for various other nonprofit organizations in the area, a food center, and a space for West Virginia State University to recruit and assist individuals who wish to attend college.

We know that the work we do significantly impacts the lives of low-income and underserved individuals, thus creating a healthier community.

Donate today to ensure that our most vulnerable neighbors have access to the care they need and deserve. You can also mail donations to West Virginia Health Right, 1520 Washington Street, East Charleston, WV 25311. West Virginia Health Right is a 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions to West Virginia Health Right are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our tax identification number EIN: 31-1066881. West Virginia Health Right will not sell, trade, or share personal information about our financial donors.

If the amount raised exceeds the campaign goal, then funds automatically will be rolled over into operations.